Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Sunday, October 31, 2010


last weekend was so hectic...
saturday gi dua warehouse sale.
1: My Dear warehouse sale kat Puchong
managed to get what i wanted.
A Safety Gate.
Murah sangat...
kalau kat luar harga dalam Rm199 tp
i got it only for RM129.
Other than that, beli barang2 kecil je...
2: Hush Puppies warehouse sale
at Armada Hotel, PJ
Hubby wanted to buy work shoes.
Nasib baik ada size. Size 11 tu...
grabbed four pairs.
i ada gak berkenan few flats
tp.. size paling kecik size 6...
makcik size 4 je...
so pandang jer la...
then, kitorg gi Plaza GM to look
for paper bag utk birthday rayyan.
kat sini murah2 kalau beli borong.
found few that i like.
so, i'll be going there again next week
coz hubby dah bg approval utk beli
paper bag yg mana....
semua kepenatan hubby n i agak
berkurangan coz kitorg dah dapat
bantuan dr........
MAID baru yang dh stay in dgn
nama dia DARTIK....
maid lama, Wati still ada...
itu daily helper yg akan jaga rayyan.
Dartik akan tolong jaga baby baru

Thursday, September 30, 2010


mommy is sooooo happy...
Finally, rayyan nye gigi dah tumbuh!!!
comel sangat...
I could see 1 tooth coming out
senget sket.
So, i asked my personal dentist...
MY DAD.. hikhik...
dia kata tak per.. it's normal...
nothing to be worried about....
Tapi takle nak take pic of the tooth yet
coz rayyan active...
nanti nak try dgn lebih gigih utk kenangan....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vacuum cleaner mane???

WATI!!!! WATI!!!!
Tolong amik kan vacuum cleaner kat blakang.
Bukan setakat sawang, macam2 species haiwan yg
dah mati pun ada ni... tolong bersih kan ni hah....

p/s: wati?? oh ya, wati tu maid rayyan...

ish...ish truk tol tak berupdate blog ni...
aleh- aleh update raya.. hentam je la labu...
well, my raya celebration was awesome
coz ade rayyan... n insyaallah next year
ada baby no-2 plak... alhamdulillah...

i raya kat kg baru pagi sampai petang,
dalam kol 3. pas tu trus soot ke sg buloh...
kitorg tak wat open house dah lama,
termasuk la tahun sape nak
datang, most welcome....
since my dad is the eldest boy of his family,
semua adik beradik yg kat KL/ SEL datang.
meriah gak la...
the next day plak gi umah my cuz kt
bkt jelutong. beli dh 3 tahun tp br last
weeks moved in. so beraya kat umah baru
la dia... sesat gak nak gi umah dia coz
slalu gi umah aya n linda belah ke utara, ni ke
belah timur... mane nak tau kan...
dah dok agak kenyang n dah panas bum2,
trus blek... spi je umah layan tv je kami ber-3
spi malam....

oh, kali ni raya mommy n daddy tak beli byk pn.
mommy bl 1 kaftan n baju kurung, 1 casual top.
daddy plak, 1 denim, 1 shirt n 1 polo shirt.
Rayyan? this was his year... pantang kuar,
ade je at least 1 baju kat dia. klu every week kuar?
mau tak buka kedai baju pasni... wat ever it is...
mommy and daddy hope that u have enjoyed the
past 11 days of hari raya ye sayang....

Di Sungai Buloh...

Di Kampung Baru....

Monday, August 16, 2010

happy 8 mths old

Baby boo is now 8 mths old.
He's becoming more active.
Learning new things everyday.
However, it wasn't a great
Celebration tho.
He's now is the hospital due to
High fever. Doc suspected dengue.
I hope baby boo will get better soon.
Mommy n daddy love u sayang!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

all in one

lama tak lawat blog ni... rindu rasa nye.. hikhik...
sibuk katakan *yang sebenarnye.. malas*
Rayyan pun dah 7 bulan... anak mommy ni
dah big boy tau...

last week daddy bawak kami gi I-City kat

Shah Alam... Ramai tol umat manusia ni...
tapi tanah agak basah la coz baru pas hujan...
tapi overall... interesting!!!

skang ni mommy tengah plan untuk Rayyan's birthday
(yang lambatttttt lagi) and also for THE NEW BABY...
Btw, baby is already 13 weeks 2 days.....

Till then...............

Sunday, June 27, 2010

GOD is Great!!!

Allah SWT is Great. He had planned everything

for me and my family... the latest gift for our family is








I'm pregnant....AGAIN!!! and this time, it's normal.

no more IVF. hopefully everything goes well... insyaallah!! AMIN!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

IM bIG!!!

hello every one.... i have a great news... today, I am officially









mommy and daddy kept saying that they are happy that I am big and healthy...

Since I am a big boy now, I've learned to do few things...

a) now I know how to army crawl... but at the same time, I can do the normal crawl but a step at a time. but sometimes when I want to get something and crawling takes time *I'm still learning on how to use these things attached to me, which daddy always refer to as hands and legs...* i just do my stunt by leaping to the front.... but it hurts!!!!

b) now I know when i yell, mommy/ daddy/ tok mama/ tok we/ kakak will come and get me. then, they will bring me to jalan- jalan. hehehe..

c) i know if tok mama wears her scarf, it means going out time. I loveeee going out.

d) oh!!! i also know how to give a high 5. daddy taught me this.

e) i hate eating apple... it give me stomach ache and when i poo poo, it stinks!!!

f) talk about poo poo, i dont like leaving the poop at my bum bum for a long time. eeeeeeee... even when i pee, mommy always change it every two hours. tq mommy....

g) another favourite thing that i like to do is to bath. Bathing and swimming are my things. i like it when water being splash... fun!!! fun!!!

hhmmmphhh... I'm tired of typing. can I stop now mommy??? i want to drink milk. can we continue later???

mommy: OK DARLING!!!!